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Natural Stone Fireplace Surrounds
Adding a stone fireplace to your home is a great way to upgrade your living room, bedroom, or den. C&D Granite offers stone fireplace surrounds that will fit perfectly in your home. We know how fantastic a home looks when a fireplace is added. Fireplaces are the main focal point in many homes. They bring comfort, peace, and luxury to your living environment.
You receive quality and professional work when C&D Granite installs a fireplace surround. We have been working in the stone industry for years and offer an Unlimited Guarantee for granite. Your home improvement or remodeling project is important to us. Let our stone experts help make your home the dream home you want it to be.
About Fireplace Surrounds
Minnesota is freezing during winter; escape the chilly weather by adding a cozy fireplace to your home. Imagine enjoying reading a book, watching TV, or simply relaxing near the fireplace in your home. When you add a fireplace surround to your home, you add character. Being able to display family portraits, artwork, or other decor over your fireplace dramatically increases the sense of personality of your home.
Our fireplace surrounds are made from marble, granite, and quartz. Each stone provides a natural beauty to any home. C&D Granite offers many stone options that vary in color and pattern. Every granite slab looks different in each home. We work with you to determine the perfect fireplace surround option for your unique home.
We also consider what type of atmosphere you want in your home. We know that white granite fireplace surrounds look and feel much differently than black marble fireplace surrounds. Perhaps you want a white marble surround to give your living room a clean and sophisticated look. You may enjoy a more earthy ambiance and would like a blue pearl granite fireplace surround. C&D Granite helps you find a stone that matches any theme in your room or home.
Fireplace Photo Gallery
Below, you can see a few examples of the stone fireplace surrounds that we have completed. For more examples of granite fireplace surrounds, visit our online showroom.

Request a Quote on a Fireplace Surround
What type of stone fireplace surround are you looking for? C&D Granite is able to work with you and find the best marble, granite, or quartz fireplace surround for your home.
Are you ready to get started on your new stone countertops?
Visit our showroom today or send us your project plans.